Report Filtering - Status, Type, Campaign

Steps on how to filter your reporting to view by various message status, destination country, or campaign


Last Update 2 jaar geleden

1. Select ‘Reports’ from the left-hand menu of FxbulkSMS, then select the type of report that you would like to view: Sent, Received or Campaign.

2. You have the option to filter reporting by message status, type, route, or campaign.

Message Status: Click on the drop-down box labelled ‘All Statuses’ and a drop-down menu of sending statuses will appear.

Type: Click on the drop-down box labelled ‘Type’ and a drop-down menu of message types will appear.

FxbulkSMS Campaign: Click on the drop-down box labelled ‘All Campaigns’ and a drop-down menu of FxbulkSMS campaign names will appear.

Further details on campaigns

3. Select the criteria that you would like to filter your reports with. 

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