How to send an MMS in FxbulkSMS

Steps on how to send an MMS in FxbulkSMS


Last Update 2 jaar geleden

Firstly, choose how you would like to send your MMS:

1. Quick Send to contacts, groups, or mobile numbers without the Available Tag Field feature.

2. Campaign Builder to pre-existing contacts or groups with the Available Tag Field feature.

3. Send Using File to upload a contact file and send to the contacts on that spreadsheet.

For this example, we will use the 'Quick Send' option.

1. Click 'MMS' on the left-hand menu of FxbulkSMS, then select 'Quick Send'.

2. Under the 'Sender ID' heading, select your Sender ID.

3. Under the 'Recipients' heading, enter the contacts, groups or mobile numbers you would like to send your message to.

4. Enter the 'subject' for your MMS message.

5. Enter the content of your message in the text box under 'Message'.

6. If you wish to save this message as a template for future use, click 'Save As Template'.

7. Click on the 'Upload' icon and find the file you would like to send.

9. Click 'Send' to send your message.

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