How to upload a file of contacts to FxbulkSMS

How to upload a file of contacts to FxbulkSMS


Last Update 2 jaar geleden

1. Select ‘Contacts’ on the left hand side of the FxbulkSMS menu.

2. Click the ‘Add New’ button.

3. Name your contacts list and click 'Save' to proceed to next step.

4. Next, click ‘Import’ underneath the ‘Contacts’ heading and import the relevant file. This file must be either a CSV file or a XLS file. XLSX is not a supported format for uploading.

Tip: Make sure this file is formatted correctly and contains the relevant country prefixes. For information on how to do this, see: How to format a contact list for FxbulkSMS in excel.

Note: If the first row of your excel document contains headings, tick the box next to ‘File contains header row’.

You can also download a sample file showing how your contacts need to be formatted in the excel file for a successful upload by clicking on the 'DOWNLOAD SAMPLE FILE' in the import contact page.

5. Click on 'Click here to upload' field to upload your excel file and see a preview of your file contents. Using the drop down boxes, select the column that contains the information relevant to each heading. For example, we’d like to use the ‘International Mobile Number’s’ heading in our excel file as the ‘Mobile Number’, so we’ll select ‘Column F (6)’.

Note: You can choose to leave any number of these fields blank, as long as at least the mobile number column is specified.

6. Click 'Next' to continue.

Your data is now ready to import. Read over your content to ensure your spreadsheet column mapping is all correct.

Note: it can take up to several minutes to import large spreadsheets of data.

7. Select ‘Import’ once you are happy with your review.

Import Numbers by Copy & Paste

You can also import your contact numbers by copying and pasting from a text editor or other source.

To upload numbers by the copy and paste method in FxbulkSMS please see below instructions:

1. Select ‘Contacts’ on the left hand side of the FxbulkSMS menu.

2. Click the ‘Add New’ button.

3. Name your contacts list and click 'Save' to proceed to next step.

4. Next, click ‘Import’ underneath the ‘Contacts’ heading.

5. Click on 'import file' toggle button above the 'download sample file' to switch from the upload file section to display the field where you can paste your numbers. 

Note: You can upload a maximum of 1000 numbers in a single upload each number separated with either a comma (,), semicolon (;), bar (|), tab (Tab key on keyboard) or a New Line.

Also take note that your numbers need to include a country code without the preceding zero for a successful upload.

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