Enabling low balance alerts

How to enable low balance notifications, periodically or when the account balance reaches a set amount within FxbulkSMS


Last Update 2 éve

1. Click on the 'Profile' icon on the top right-hand corner of FxbulkSMS. Underneath 'Billing', select ‘Preferences'.

2. Click on the button next to ‘Customize my notification preferences’ to enable the alerts.

3. Add desired recipients for low balance notifications and then select notifications to be sent via 'email' or 'mobile'.

Note: SMS balance notifications are free

4. Select the type of notification:

Threshold: A balance alert is sent once the account balance falls below a set threshold.

Periodic: A balance alert is sent periodically, regardless of balance amount (daily, weekly, monthly).

5. Click ‘Save’ to save these changes.

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